21! VV00+!!!!!!!! Sadly, I missed my powerhour b/c my back hurt like hell (only 21 and the body is already going to hell). Damn :( Oh well, I have the rest of my life to get blasted, no need to hurry. Plus, everyone was out of town this weekend due to it being Turkey Weekend ;)
Also, about the charge of being a 'chicken hawk'. I feel this is a non issue for many bloggers. First, some bloggers have served their time (LT Smash for one). Second, some of the bloggers have lived in times where it was unnecessary to serve (people growing up between the end of Vietnam and now) b/c the goverment didn't ask for their skills. President Bush hasn't asked for more troops from the civilian population. The draft hasn't been restarted. If he askes for more troops from the US population, I would be at the recruiters office tomorrow (probibly air force, I would like to fly those drone aircraft. They look cool and would fit in nicely with my flying training). Why not join up now you might ask? I firmly belive that the US needs my other skills, and that carrying a rifle isn't my calling at this moment in time.