

So, as the aviation world turns, I have gotten put on the street and am no living ~1500 miles from 'home' and am stuck in a $600 per month lease until early next year. Obviously, not my year. First job put me on part time and the second job fired me.

Personally, I have little interest in continuing to fly. The pay is low, the hours are bad, there is little stability, and the responsibilities are enormous. Why bother when I can do tech support and have more upsides with none of the downsides. About the only thing I will miss is flying regularly, I will admit that flying is fun.


Signoffs & Success

Today, I was looking through my files and realized that I have signed off 10 students in the last 2 years. Of which 9 passed on the first try! I feel pretty good :)

Plus I've signed off another 11 students for solo (some of which passed with other instructors).


Goodbye LORAN

Seems that LORAN is no more. As someone who has used LORAN in the aviation world, I say it will be missed. Yes, it was inaccurate and outdated but it was the emergency backup system.

Let us hope that GPS never fails else we will be in deep shit.



So today I found out that I got an interview! The first part is an online quiz, followed up by a demonstration of teaching, and finally followed up by a simulator flight. We'll see how it all goes (I need a new job)!


Interesting Tidbit

So I was teaching groundschool today and ran across an interesting question.
Q: On a Surface Analysis Chart, what does a square indicate?
A: An automated weather station.

Who says you can't learn something new